
Indian Desk
PM Indio Narendra Modi
El Primer Ministro de la India, Shri Narendra Modi, se reunirá con los jefes de Gobierno de la Unión Europea El próximo 8 de mayo, en la bella ciudad portuguesa de Oporto, se celebrará una cumbre con el propósito de aunar a los 27 jefes de Gobierno de la Unión Europea con el Primer Ministro...
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india empresas industria oportunidades
Exploran las oportunidades de negocio que ofrece el país asiático en este sector La Agencia Vasca de Internacionalización, integrada en el Grupo SPRI, ha organizado una misión junto con el cluster AFM para explorar las oportunidades de negocio que ofrece India para el sector de máquina herramienta. La misión se compone de dos jornadas técnicas celebradas en Bangalore y...
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Today’s emerging markets are tomorrow’s powerhouses, according to a recent forecast from Standard Chartered, a multinational bank headquartered in London. The bank sees developing economies like Indonesia, Turkey, Brazil, and Egypt all moving up the ladder – and by 2030, it estimates that seven of the world’s largest 10 economies by GDP (PPP) will be...
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india consume
Over the next decade, consumption in fast-growth consumer markets such as China, India and Southeast Asia will be reshaped by the Fourth Industrial Revolution and more than one billion first-time consumers. The Future of Consumption in Fast-Growth Consumer Markets, a project in collaboration with Bain & Company, focuses on the emerging markets that comprise more...
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Mumbai India Trebeki
Con casi 1.400 millones de habitantes e interesantes tasas de crecimiento del PIB, la economía de India ha vivido en los últimos 25 años un gran proceso aperturista. Pese a la pobreza, la consolidación de una clase media con cada vez mayor poder adquisitivo también es una realidad. El consultor y abogado indio Thomas Joseph, del despacho...
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Make in India
The Indian MSME sector has been in the center of attention for economists, advisory council, the Ministry of MSME and multiple other stakeholders. This sector alone is responsible for contributing 8% to the nation’s GDP, adding 40% of the country’s total exports and has also witnessed consistent growth of 10% over the past few years...
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INDIAN DESK: If China is considered currently as the “world’s fabric”, INDIA has earned everyone’s respect as “international laboratory” and as the center of the “precision and technological outsourcing”. Every entrance in this great country, requires of a good knowledge of the field, just like partners and collaborators that facilitate the entry in its vary...
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Indian Desk Trebeki Acompañamiento
Mapp Law Chambers has recently participated in several conferences to increase awareness about the vibrant business opportunities presented by the growing Indian economy. In May 2017, Mapp Law Chambers conducted a business conference in an entrepreneurial club in Ribera in the Navarra district of Spain. The conference saw participation of over 20 companies representing different...
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