Interim Management


Our company has a high number of professionals with different competences, knowledge and abilities that, in temporary circumstances, can join your company in order to tackle business missions orientated to specific objectives previously identificated.

The nature of this type of interventions is based in different reasons:

  • Temporary sustitution of a directive person
  • Management of the change in the organization
  • Start up, consolidation and growing of a new project
  • Dvelopment of a new market and destination management
  • Accompaniament in StartUps in the mature processes

There are numerous advantages for your company, but let us highlight you some of them:


  • Practical experience, knowHow of our incorporations
  • Specific dedication applied with objectivity without prejudices
  • Correlation and Temporary commitment; a variable and efficient cost
  • External acompaniment, supported by people of other disciplines
  • Ideal complement for directive equipment in need of oxigen
  • Productivity oriented to objectives
  • Agility in the incorporation, flexibility in the action

Our main Interim destinations:

  • País Vasco, Navarra, Aragón, Castilla y León, La Rioja, Madrid
  • International Sphere, specially America, Asia and Europe
  • Servicio de Teleasistencia mediante NN.TT de la Comunicación

Currently we are working in countries such as China, India, Mexico and USA