Our itinerary makes easier the foreign business development in its different milestones:
- Diagnoses and Market research
- Diagnosis of foreign projection potential
- For business that require commercialize in new markets)
- Diagnosis of the internationalization potential
- (For business that need to set up in new destinations
- Elaboration of studies/ researches of selected markets
- (Assessment of the introduction of a product or service in the market)
- International Accompaniment
- Commercial missions
- Assistance in fairs, congresses and other events
- Identification of strategic and operative alliances
- Country Management
- Management of the companies at the destination, assisted management, implementation of the projects…
- Specialization: INDIAN Desk, China Desk. Specific Know How in Latin America and USA.
Additionally, we provide information and paperwork for the management of the Grants and Subsidies that the Public Institutions offer to the companies, both at the place of origin and at the place of destination.